Welcome to this page about Time Speeding Up or you can call it The Acceleration of Time.This is a future page that I will be writing about. What Albert Einstien has to say about it and what the Bible has to say about it. Did I just say that the bible has something to say about this subject.......Absolutely! Stay tuned in for this one It is something that not every one is aware of. What did Jesus have to say about Time and the acceleration of it in the last days.Come back in about a month and this page will be ready for ya....Ok
Coming attractions to this page is the mythical legend of Europa. This is where Europe got it's name from. I will show my readers how this is revelant to endtime Bible prophecy. Check in next month for this one.
What does the Bible say about "polar shift". I will give you the lowdown on this one . Most Endtime prophecy ministers do not mention this one, but there is revelancy on this subject. Check in next month for this also.
What does the Bible say about "polar shift". I will give you the lowdown on this one . Most Endtime prophecy ministers do not mention this one, but there is revelancy on this subject. Check in next month for this also.